Пусконаладка это всегда глоток свежего воздуха Это ни с чем не сравнимый кайф Это значит
Но так ли часто бывает, что все эти звёзды сошлись?Обычно столько матов, котрое произносится при Пусконаладке, больше нигде не услышишь И, мне кажется, это касается любых компаний и сфер деятельности
Commissioning is always a breath of fresh air This is an incomparable thrill This means that soon the signing of acts, the final payment and a new project Unless, of course, you screwed up during installation ... and if not you installed, then the installers did not screw up ... plus if the manager calculated correctly and did not underestimate the equipment capacity ... plus if the designer correctly calculated the diameters of the pipelines ... plus if there was no marriage ... and if the purchaser did not save on components, etc. then aaa commissioning is an orgasm! But does it often happen that all these stars converge?
Usually so many obscenities that are uttered during commissioning cannot be heard anywhere else, And, it seems to me, this applies to any companies and areas of activity
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